
All kindergarten through 5th grade students are guaranteed a seat at their neighborhood or boundary school. If you do not live within Teller’s boundaries, families seeking to attend Teller can choice in. The school choice process seeks to maximize the number of students and families who have the opportunity to attend their most preferred schooling option across the city. A student’s chance of choicing into their most preferred school is dependent upon that particular school’s list of priorities. View Teller’s priority list.

Unlike Kindergarten through 5th grade, ECE (Early Childhood Education) students are not guaranteed a seat at their neighborhood or boundary school. Please note that students who turn four on or before October 1st are eligible for Teller’s 4-year-old preschool program. Due to limited space, enrollment is not guaranteed.

 To participate in School Choice, families need to submit one School Choice application per student.

Learn additional information about School Choice.