The Collaborative School Committee (CSC) is a group of parents, teachers, support staff and community members who work with the principal to create and implement a plan to promote high achievement within a school. The purpose of the CSC is to enhance student achievement, engage the school community, provide strategic direction as stated in the Universal Improvement Plan (UIP), ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and bring community and parent voice to the table. The primary activities of the CSC are to provide guidance, evaluation and recommendations to the principal on the school’s Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) and budget. Additionally, the CSC provides input on program design changes, safety and discipline procedures as it relates to UIP, principal feedback as it relates to CSC work, and community engagement as it relates to CSC work. The committee is an advisory committee, providing recommendations only, and does not make any official decisions.
Meeting Schedule
CSC Meetings for the 2024-2025 school year will be held on the following dates. All meetings will be held in Room 214 at Teller Elementary. An agenda for each meeting is made available here the week prior to the meeting and minutes posted the week following the meeting.
Any member of the Teller Community (parent, student, teacher, staff and neighbors) is welcome to attend the meetings. A time is set aside in each meeting for an Open Public Forum where anyone can bring questions, concerns, or comments related to CSC work.
Committee Members
Questions? Concerns? Please contact one of the 2024-2025 Committee Members.
Minutes Archive
2023-2024 School Year